friednly team in the office playing games at the table

Whether you spend your workdays in an actual office or have retreated your forces to a cozy home office, your brain still needs a break. Solving repetitive tasks only reduces your productivity, while a brain break recovers your mental activity. But what is the best way to give yourself a break, but still spend your lunchtime profitably for the brain and for your social life? Look no further, as I have gathered for you five hilarious brain games for you and your friends to play during a break from work.

The First Lunch Break Game: Alias

Let's start with the world-famous board game Alias, which can also be played as a mobile game. It is an incredibly exciting game to play with your office buddies. It promotes teamwork, trains brain activity, and even develops one's vocabulary. In my opinion, it is a strongly underestimated game for every age.

The objective of the Alias is very simple: you and your colleagues will have to explain as many words as possible in a short amount of time, without using any cognate words. Of course, you can choose the difficulty level, and even create your own rules for the game, just to make it more fun. 

gan356 air cube on a plain background

The Second Lunch Break Game: GAN356 Air SM

Unlike the previous games, GAN356 Air SM by GanCube is more of a personal brain trainer. However, you can get it on the official GanCube website, and compete for one against another or in teams. Do you wonder what is GAN356? It is a modified and improved Rubik's Cube, which takes a puzzle-solving experience to the next level. Click here to learn more about the unique structure of this magic cube.

The main goal of the puzzle is to rearrange its colors, making each of the six sides of the cube the same color. The magic cube teaches how to solve structural problems, trains memory, and patience, and also serves as a stress-relieving practice. If you need a bit more information on solving the cube's problem, find and download the cfop guide. It will surely make the puzzle less challenging, but no less thrilling.

The Third Lunch Break Game: Find the Missing Object

For the next lunch break game, you won't need any additional supplies, as you already have everything needed in the office. The 'find a missing object' game is very popular, and you probably played it as a kid. The beauty of this game lies in its simplicity. It is fun to play, and it bonds players.

The idea of the game is very simple: various office supplies are arranged on the table, then a player tries to remember the sequence, quantity, and exact position of the object, which is later changed by other players. The difficulty can be modified by closing the player's eyes or adding more objects onto the playing field. 

a close-up of backgammon field
Photo: Polette 2

The Fourth Lunch Break Game: Backgammon

Few know that Backgammon is one of the oldest board games in the world. At first glance, it looks like a mixture of chess, and checkers. In fact, it is played with checkers or similar figures but also involves some luck from rolling the dice. The rules are simple: one player moves his checkers from one side of the board to another. The goal is to locate all the checkers in the final field. Wins a player who completes it first.

A single game in Backgammon is much quicker than a single chess match, making this step-by-step strategy game perfect for the lunch break. It demands excellent concentration, tactical and strategic skills, and, of course, some luck! 

The Fifth Lunch Break Game: Battleship or Sea Battle

And the final fifth game is the everlasting classics. I bet everyone played it at school, didn't you? All you'll need for the game is a pen and a piece of paper (graph paper works best). You will need to line a special field for your naval fleet. But the actual game begins with the next step, where you will need to place your own ship.

Final Thoughts

It is important to plan where you are going to place all of them. One mistake may cause you a successful round. Now it is time to bomb your opponent's naval forces, and watch their moves closely! Sea Battle developed strategic, tactical, and communication skills, which are going to be a useful healthy work environment with your colleagues, whether you work from your home office or in an actual workplace.

Lots of love,