Seeing Safiya Nygaard's video about digital fashion, reminded me of the old blog post I wrote on the future of the fashion industry. I rambled on for 700 words talking about fast fashion, consumerism, environmentalism, and digital fashion shows, which await us in the future. Ironically, I have never thought of it coming to our doorways so soon! I guess, we all have to say thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, as it brought the inevitable closer. To make you all even more excited, I've put together five awesome things you must know about digital fashion, and what it can offer. Enjoy!
Recent statistics reveal that the production of various textiles has more impact on negative climate change than worldwide shipping and aviation combined together. And, that's huge, to tell the least. Fast fashion doesn't care about sustainability and ecological factors, all it cares about is low pricing and new collections every few weeks.
Digital fashion, on the other hand, doesn't require mass production, which pollutes water and air. It simplifies fashion to the core, letting you buy a brand-new piece, wear it once, and forget about it for good. All of this without harming Mother Nature. Who knew that the women's winter sweater could be something other than a bunch of itchy threads knitted together? Well, now it is no more than a binary code, which looks pretty cool, I must say.
Talking about no mass production (no 'real-life' mass production, for instance) 3d outfits are far less expensive and more durable, than their real siblings, which are prone to deterioration. Of course, some of the models by Auroboros Nature can be costly, but other looks are quite affordable. Another great thing about virtual creation is its versatility. These outfits can be customized and sized like anything else in the world, corresponding to the shape of your body, complexion, and even the environment you are in.
The next thing is debatable, but many believe that digitalization is going to step up the fashion game, putting it to a whole new level of creativity. First of all, it invites new people with fresh ideas into the industry, making the entry threshold wider. Another thing is that digital fashion shows do not require a live presence, or, for the most part, a special invitation. This makes the event far more inviting for the audience, removes boundaries, and unites creators, buyers, random watchers, and admirers.
Lastly, 3d computer graphics don't face the same challenges as real fashion. Designers don't need to choose between fabrics, textures, quality, and rates. They have thousands of virtual samples available for their fashion experiments, and models, who work 24/7 without weekends and paychecks. With these advantages in their pockets, the impossible is nothing.
Photo: Davina India
It may not always be a positive fact for some, but digitalization allowed everyone to fall into the world of fantasy. The digital crypto industry is increasing quickly. If earlier people only thought about making their Dogecoin wallet thicker, now the trend has changed. Technologies such as NFT have appeared, bringing many innovations to the fashion world. Fashion brands are buying some of their own NFTs, usually in the form of virtual land where they can build stores and showrooms to sell to young consumers. Many fashion brands, such as Tommy Hilfiger, Dolce & Gabbana, and Karl Lagerfeld, already hold their own NFT fashion shows.
Anything you have ever dreamed of is possible through virtual reality. From alienesque shapes, never possible in real life, to something more casual, or not wearable at all. Fashion only aids in the process, making this fantasy more believable.
Digital fashion is going to allow all of us to actually try clothing before buying them. It is going to happen in a virtual dressing or interactive changing room. And that means that you can finally try out the craziest chunky heel boots before actually buying them! Isn't that mind-blowing? The breakthrough idea first came into life with the help of Eyemagnet Ltd technology and in association with the Hallensteins Men's Clothing. The whole 'try-on' process looked like putting on paper clothing on paper dolls and happened on a big LCD screen.
A decade and a half later, Gucci partnered with Snapchat (printed tights over the dog ears, anyone?) bringing in a fashion filter, which allowed users to try-on on a few shoe models. This year, Gucci Beauty launched another filter with the possibility to pick the perfect lipstick shade from their collection Rouge De Beauté Brillant.
At first glance, you might think that digital fashion is something completely irrelevant to you, but, believe it or not, it has already taken over the world. It is not perfect yet, but we have to start somewhere. Slowly, but surely, this technology is going to be deployed upon all of us, and no one escapes. Whether someone shops in Zara or is a regular customer of Louis Vuitton boutiques, the world of digital fashion awaits us, and it is best to start accepting and enjoying it.
Lots of love,
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