at home set-up on a table for meditation
Photo: CA Creative

College and university students deal with a lot of stress daily. That’s why mindfulness might be a great practice to incorporate into daily life. It improves focus, memory, and overall wellbeing. It also helps significantly reduce stress and live a more fulfilling life.

Mindfulness Benefits

It is essential to separate meditation and mindfulness. People might confuse those two. Although they are linked closely, those are different techniques. Meditation can be part of your mindfulness practice. Or students can do it separately.

Mindfulness is about being present and focusing on what is happening around you. It is grounding and stress-relieving. It helps students to be more focused on essential things and resilient to different difficulties. Although some might worry it will take too long, it doesn’t have to.

You can do many simple and relatively short practices in your dorm. And if you are constantly struggling with time and meeting deadlines, there is help. Students that wonder, “Could someone write my assignment for me?” can apply for qualified paper writing services. In addition, professional writers offer writing, editing, and proofreading help with all types of college papers. So whether you have issues with an essay or a dissertation, they are ready to step in.

Experts can nail any subject or topic because of years of experience. They know how to work with relevant sources and create compelling arguments. Such assistance ensures top-notch quality and unique assignments. Moreover, they can finish and polish your work or do it entirely from scratch. It is a great way to keep up with deadlines, collaborate with the best professionals, and get more time for mindfulness practices.

matt for meditation in a center of a room
Photo: Shashi Chaturvedula

Mindfulness comes with significant benefits for college students, namely:

  • Stress and anxiety relief;
  • Lowering of cortisol levels in the body;
  • Increased focus and more effortless concentration on tasks;
  • Improved memory and retention of information;
  • Reduction of depression symptoms;
  • Improved sleep;
  • Lowered blood pressure.

Overall, it improves the quality of life in almost all aspects. It is crucial for mental and physical well-being. So if you want to try it, here are some easy techniques.

Mindfulness Practices for Students

STOP Practice

It is an easy technique students can do at any place or time. It takes only four steps and reduces the stress of feeling overwhelmed easily. It is one of the things to do to feel relieved quickly. To do it, you need to:

  • S-Stop;
  • T-Take a breath;
  • O-Observe;
  • P-Proceed.

Stop whatever you are doing and thinking. Breathe in and out slowly. Breathe in through your nose and breath out through your mouse. You can count down to slow down your breathing pace.

After slowing down and calming down a bit, observe how you feel. It includes both emotional and physical states. Identify your feelings or look around you. Note the environment – colors, textures, sounds, or smells. Think about how it makes you feel.

If you need to do something (take a break or have a snack) – do it. Afterward, proceed with what you’ve been doing before you feel overwhelmed.

Gratitude Journal

It is not an immediate relief technique. Yet, it is incredibly helpful. Students can combine it with smartphone detox, for instance. Take time in the evening to write in your gratitude journal instead of doom-scrolling.

You can have a digital journal, but a physical one gives more sensory experiences and often works better. For example, write down what you are grateful for today and some good things that happened. It allows focusing on good things, which is vital to a good mood and inner motivation. This exercise cuts down negative thoughts. And it promotes awareness and a positive mindset.

woman with long hair is meditating under the opened sky
Photo: Patrick Malleret
Sensory Techniques

Students can do sensory exercises during high stress or any other time to practice mindfulness. The point is to concentrate on real-time experiences instead of spiraling down. Here are some of the best sensory exercises to do:

  • Place one hand in the water and pay attention to the feelings – cold, warm, wet, etc.;
  • Touch and hold something soft and comforting – a blanket or a staffed toy;
  • Light an aroma candle or experience an enjoyable smell in another way;
  • Listen to the sounds around you and identify each one separately.

It will ground you in the present. So these triggers must be tangible to return to the present moment.


It is another practice students can do anywhere from their dorm to a nearby park. The goal is to concentrate on what you are experiencing and what surrounds you. Stop, breathe in and out. Now name:

  • Five things you can hear right now;
  • Four things you can see;
  • Three things you can touch;
  • Two things you can smell;
  • One thing you can taste.

After completing all five categories, you will feel calmed and focused.

Body Scan

The body scan is a fantastic exercise for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Students can do it in their room.

You must lie down on your back with your feet slightly apart and palms facing up. Students can do it while also sitting; the point is to be comfortable and relaxed. Hold still in this position and move only when needed. Close your eyes  now you are ready to scan your body. Start with breathing, its rhythm, breathing in, and breathing out. Try focusing only on one thing at a time.

Then proceed to the body – how does it feel? Are there any pains or tensions? Notice the temperature of your body and the environment. Pay attention to the textures of your clothes or the surface you are lying on. Think about how it makes you feel.

Mentally scan your body from toe to head, paying attention to each part separately. Students can also listen to YouTube guides for body scans. It allows being more connected to your body and the present moment. After such an exercise, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to tackle your tasks, from finding the best paper writing services to preparing for tests.

In Summary

Mindfulness is a great practice to reduce stress and anxiety. It promotes better concentration and memory. It also allows for living a more fulfilling life. With these accessible practices, students can incorporate mindfulness into their routines.